
"I didn't believe that I would be able to find a job at this age, but I found it at Araz"...

According to the Labor Code of Azerbaijan, although a lower age limit is set for employers, age discrimination is prohibited (with the exception of cases prohibited by law - law enforcement agencies, court, civil service, etc.). However, we have all come across sentences such as "age limit: 40" and "persons over 35 years old are not accepted" in job advertisements that we often encounter on the streets, facades of buildings, and underground passages. The inability of people over 40 to find work is one of the biggest social problems in the country.

Sahib Mammadov, chairman of the League for the Protection of Labor Rights, told Qafqazinfo that, except for prohibited cases, refusal of employment based on age is prohibited by law and is considered discrimination: "Unfortunately, this happens in practice, they indicate the age limit in job advertisements. We have long suggested that there may be jobs that require only young workers or only girls and boys. There are places in foreign countries where workers are required based on gender, physiological characteristics, and age. For this, the Cabinet of Ministers should draw up a list of those limited number of jobs. If there is such a necessity, it should be determined by legislation. Otherwise, this is discrimination."

Although most job seekers over 40 have the ability to work, companies prefer younger people. "Araz" supermarket chain, which is part of the Veysaloglu Group of Companies, stands out for its step that will be an example for employers in the country in this regard. The company does not discriminate in employment. Currently, there are hundreds of workers over this age in the "Araz" supermarket chain.

"Qafqazinfo" spoke with several of them.

47-year-old Kamala Guliyeva has been working at the "Araz" supermarket in Naples district for 3 years. When he came to Baku from Barda and looked for a job, he had little hope of finding a job at this age, but he was accepted as a cook: "Our family is not that big, both my daughter and I work. I am very satisfied with my work.

I have a secondary education, first I worked in the textile field for 10 years in the region, then in a bakery. This work is not hard, on the contrary, I enjoy working in the kitchen, I treat all the employees as my children. In general, I really like the family atmosphere in "Araz".

K. Guliyeva said that working at this age not only brings her money, but also significantly changed her worldview in a good way.

41-year-old Parvane Shamilova, who is currently working as a tandoori worker at "Araz" supermarket No. 1 in Khirdalan, says that she did not have a problem with her age when she was hired: "I have 4 children, so I have to work for them. Because my wife's salary alone is not enough for us. I work two shifts, earn my money and manage my family.

I don't get tired when I bake tandoori bread. They also like our bread very much, they ask, "It's very tasty, what do you add to the bread?" I say love, respect, nothing else. My child was sick, it was necessary to take him to Turkey for treatment. I helped him with the money I earned. It's good that I work, otherwise I wouldn't be able to treat my child."

P. Shamilova says that sometimes the passion and energy that old people have is not found in young people. From this point of view, it is not right to set age criteria for employees: "There are many people over 40 in our workplace. A 49-year-old woman who never held dough in her hands came to work. We taught him the job, and now he is a very good baker. If a person is capable, he is capable at any age. "One of the best things about "Araz" is that, in addition to training, old workers here also teach the newcomers with love."

61-year-old Maryamkhanim Mammadova also works as a cook at the "Araz" supermarket near "Space" TV. M. Mammadova, who says that she has been working in various jobs since the age of 17, does not get tired of her work, she always enjoys it: "I could not remain unemployed. I applied, they called me to work. Every day I cook various dishes for the employees of our store. I love my job so much that I willingly prepare the most difficult homemade dishes. For example, lavangi, fisincan pilaf, various salads... I get tired if I cook such simple dishes. I enjoy working. If a person has the strength, it doesn't matter the age, it's very good to work."

42-year-old Elnara Eminova has been working as a salesperson in the confectionery department of the "Nargila-2" branch of the "Araz" supermarket chain for more than 1 year. He says that he covered his child's education expenses with his salary: "I don't have a higher education, I have worked in various jobs before. I had to quit my job because we sold our house and moved to another city. Then the pandemic hit, I was unemployed for two years. I thought that after this age I would find a difficult job. But thank God, I was able to find a job. I applied with my CV and they hired me. Also, on that eve, my daughter was admitted to the university. I paid my daughter's education with my salary, which helped me a lot."

E. Eminova says that she also likes her work, communication with clients has a positive effect on her: "When you sit at home, you become withdrawn. I love my job, I work with clients. We are at whatever age we see ourselves. I'm 42 years old, but I think I'm 18...

I am a person who likes to communicate, and I always have a conversation with clients. Sometimes I want to change my department and go to the cashier, but I think that if I deal with every customer like this in the cashier, I can't get out of the queue."

Antiga Aliyeva, who works as a cashier at the "Araz" supermarket in the "8th kilometer" area of ​​Baku, is 43 years old. According to him, he was accepted to the job by sending a CV. At first, A. worked as a salesman in the dry food department. Later, Aliyeva continued her work as a cashier: "I lived in Shamkir. I came to Baku and got a job. Sitting at home keeps people away from society. When you work, you become more active, energetic, you communicate more with society. Helping the family is also very good. I support my children's education. When I go home from work, I put all my work in order. I deliver all. Once you know the job, age doesn't make any difference, on the contrary, age also means experience.

It should be noted that about 9,000 employees work in the "Araz" supermarket chain. Veysaloglu Group of Companies, which has more than 20 thousand employees in total, is one of the largest employers in the country in the fields of retail, distribution, logistics and production.

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