Araz Supermarkets Network announces recruitment for the position of "Lawyer" (Leading Specialist)!
Higher education in the relevant field
Work experience: minimum 5 years
Language skills (English-language at a good level, Russian-language knowledge is an advantage)
Knowledge of MS Office
Ability to work in a team, flexible, goal-oriented.
To ensure the state registration of the company's branches and representative offices
To ensure the collection, compilation, formalization and submission of the necessary documents to the relevant registration authorities for the registration of changes in the constituent documents of the company, its branches and representative offices;
To organize the necessary work related to transactions related to the purchase and sale of shares in the authorized capital of legal entities;
Hüquqi rəylər, arayışlar və sorğuların tərtibini təmin etmək, şirkətin struktur bölmələrindən daxil olan hüquqi məsələlər və qanunvericiliyin izahı ilə bağlı müraciətlərə baxılmasını, onların yazılı və ya şifahi şəkildə cavablandırılmasını ,şöbənin fəaliy
To ensure consideration of requests regarding legal issues and explanations of legislation received from the company's structural divisions, and their written or oral response;
To ensure the compilation of exemplary documents in accordance with the department's activities;
Yeni müqavilələrin tərtib edilməsini, ehtiyac olduqda mövcud müqavilələrdə lazımi dəyişikliklər etmək;
To participate in the preparation of contract projects together with other structural units;
To carry out the examination of contracts, to provide initial and second opinion, to ensure the drawing up of an additional agreement;
To ensure negotiations with embassies regarding the documents of foreign citizens, if necessary;
Akt, əmr, ərizə, etibarnamə, protokol tərtib edilməsini ,şirkətə daxil olan müraciətlərə (daxili ya da xarici) baxılmasını, onların araşdırılaraq cavablandırılmasını təmin etmək.
Competitive salary in accordance with the labor market
5 day work schedule
Lunch provision
Those who want to apply for the vacancy can send their CV forms to by mentioning the name "Lawyer" (Leading Specialist) in the subject line.
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