The pleasures of the world

The pleasures of the world

In general, we as a nation love meat dishes. Many of you may have heard the saying, "I'm not full when I'm not eating meat." We believe that the first thing that comes to mind when you say meat is chicken, veal or lamb. Already, our national cuisine is almost based on the meat we mentioned, but we must not forget that there are more different types of meat, goose, duck, quail, and even rabbit, and many different types of meat that are not specific to our cuisine. In fact, it's good that we love meat so much. Because meat contains protein, B vitamins (niacin, thiamine, riboflavin and B6), vitamin E, iron, zinc and magnesium, which are useful for our body. However, we must also mention that everything is beautiful in its destiny, and we must accept the meat in its destiny.
Sometimes when we are tired of the same when cooking, when we go to the market or supermarkets, we look for different types of meat. After buying the meat, "I wonder what I cook?" we spend half of our day in vain with the question.
If you are experiencing this nuance, this blog is for you. Here we will talk about the recipe of 5 meat dishes selected from the world cuisine. We think that you will probably hear some of these dishes for the first time. Let's see which one you like the most.
1. "Bakso" - Indonesia
-    beef meat
- Noodles
- un
- Ginger
- white onion
- green onions
-    celery
The meatballs in our kitchen are called "bakso" by Indonesians. Bakso is a beef tenderloin dish. There are many types of bakso in Indonesia, but all of them include three main ingredients; broth, noodles and meatballs.
Although it is actually a street dish, it can be found everywhere, from open restaurants to elegant restaurants, and Indonesians love to cook this dish on a daily basis. The main garnishes are hard-boiled eggs or tofu (made from soy milk curds).

2. Rouladen - Germany
- veal (steak)
- corn starch
- mustard
- red pepper
- cream
Rouladen is a traditional German meat roll filled with various ingredients. It is always served with a creamy sauce. Rolls are usually made of long and thin steaks. First of all, the steak is beaten, seasoned and marinated with German mustard, which gives it a special flavor and makes the meat juicy and tender.
The traditional filling of Rouladen is usually made of pickles. However, different regions use carrots, onions or bread in the stuffing. It varies according to taste.

3. Orange chicken - China and the United States
- chicken
- eggs
- corn starch
-    Orange
-    sugar
-    vinegar
- soy sauce
- Ginger
Originally a Chinese dish from the Hunan region, the orange chicken was later adopted by the Americans and served in many North American fast food restaurants. This is a dish consisting of sweet and sour orange, fried and beaten chicken with chili sauce.
In the United States, a chain restaurant called Panda Express is creating an Americanized version of the dish and turning it into a sweeter dish than the original spicy and spicy version of Huna. Orange chicken made in America has a sweeter and more sour taste than in Hunan.
4. "Pörkölt" - Hungary
-    Lamb
- Onion
- Garlic
- red pepper
"Porkolt" is the national dish of Hungary and the name is derived from the word "porkolni", which means roasting. This dish is made from boiled lamb with plenty of onion, garlic and red pepper powder.
It is traditionally served with boiled potatoes or pasta. The history of Porkolt is closely linked to traditional Hungarian goulash, as both dishes were previously prepared by villagers who used a lot of powdered red pepper.
5. “Fiskefrikadeller” - Denmark
- white fish
- eggs
- milk
- coriander
- white onion
- cream
- Sukhari
- butter
Danish "fiskefrikadeller" are fish cutlets fried in a pan. They are made from a creamy mixture of peeled white fish fillets, eggs, milk, onions, various spices and fresh greens. Some types are often made with other seafood such as cream, breadcrumbs, salmon and shrimp.
This fish dish is considered by Danes as a main dish. It is usually served with boiled potatoes, Danish remula and lemon slices.
We hope that with these 5 different dishes we were able to give you different ideas in the kitchen.

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