Take care of your face

Take care of your face

Regardless of the season, taking care of ourselves and our face is a must. Although there are benefits of sunlight in the summer, if we don't sunbathe at the right times, we will face its harmful side. One of these damages is sun spots on our skin. However, if we take care of our face properly, we will protect the skin from those damages.
Therefore, we share with you natural mask recipes that you can prepare at home. For the masks, you can use the ingredients at home or buy the missing ones from the supermarket and make them right away.
1. Speaking of sun spots, let's start with an oatmeal mask that tones, brightens, and fades blemishes.
For the mask you will need:
- 2-3 tablespoons of oats
- 1 teaspoon of soda
- Water
- 1 teaspoon of honey (for dry skin)
Put the oats in a blender and add them to a bowl along with the soda. Pour water on the mixer so that it is of the required thickness. If you have dry skin, add 1 teaspoon of honey. You can apply the mask on your face and wash it with warm water after 30 minutes.
2. Due to the hot weather in summer, the skin gets drier, and of course, this is one of the biggest problems for those with dry skin. You can check out the yogurt-cucumber mask to get rid of dryness on the skin.
For this you will need:
- ½ cucumber
- 1 tablespoon of homemade yogurt
- 1 tablespoon of oats
- 1 teaspoon of honey
Grate the cucumber and mix with all the other ingredients until it becomes thick. Apply the mixture to the parts of your face that are most in contact with the sun's rays. After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and enjoy the lively look of your skin.

3. Peaches do wonders for the skin; cleans the skin, tones it, eliminates pores, prevents wrinkles, reduces the number of acne and blackheads. You will feel the difference the moment you apply the mask we are going to mention to your skin. You will get rid of dead skin, you will get a fresh and bright image.
- 1 peach
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon of yogurt
First, separate the white of 1 egg and put it in a bowl. If your skin is oily, use fat-free yogurt, if your skin is dry, use oily yogurt. Add yogurt to the bowl with eggs and mix well. After peeling the peach, divide it into two parts. After dividing, mash with a spoon and add to the other mixture and mix well. After mixing, apply to your skin with massaging movements and wait for 25 minutes. After washing thoroughly with warm water, you will love the image you see in the mirror.
Note that if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in the masks, we recommend not using that mask. We hope you found this blog useful. See you in the next blogs!

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