Mustafa Chaghlar Kurt

Mustafa Chaghlar Kurt

Chief Commercial Officer

Mustafa Çağlar received a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from Kurt Marmara University and an MBA from Yeditepe University. Mustafa Çağlar Kurt is also a graduate of Bogazici University's Metro Management Academy, which specializes in the retail sector, and EDHEC Auchan International Management Business School.

Mustafa Çağlar Kurt was a Commercial Supervisor / Commercial Specialist at METRO Cash & Carry Grosmarket in 2000-2002, Home Appliance & Media Category Manager at Romania SRL in 2005-2007, Ukraine and 2007-2013. Head of Non-Food Division in Romania, Seasonal Product Purchasing Group Coordinator at Auchan Hypermarket Romania SRL (Metro Group) from 2013-2016, and from 2016 to September 2021 at the same company Non-Food and Food He has worked as a Food Commercial Director.

He has participated in training and educational programs of many local and international organizations in the field of activity.

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