"A little tips"

"A little tips"

As Araz Supermarkets Network, we have prepared "A little advice" for the International Children's Day together with a private psychiatrist Aydan Iskanderzade. We hope that these tips will help you in the development, behavior, education and eating habits of children.

1. The basic needs of the child in the formation of personality

Understanding the value of 0-2 years of age is very important for families to be able to stand on their own two feet as individuals. The basic foundation of communication is laid in this age range. Until the age of two, the baby wants to feel the warmth, love and reassuring attitude of the guardian (mainly the mother). Failure to do so can lead to negative feelings about life. These include feelings and thoughts such as "the world is a chaotic, uncertain and distrustful place," "I am in danger and weak," "I am worthless and unloved," "the world is a dangerous place," and so on. They do not bother to express themselves and their feelings in close relationships, they communicate easily. They also develop confidence in life. We know that the way we communicate with people also affects our outlook on ourselves. nurtures positive emotions.

The main requirements of the child:

1. Touch: Pay attention to the child, observe his behavior and give him a "well done" remark, hug him, encourage him, praise him and support him with your warm look.
2. Confidence: It is necessary to pay attention to the child's health, meet his daily needs, provide enough food and clothing, and protect him from dangerous situations.
3. Correct: To guide the child, to set an example, to show the boundaries of behavior that he can and does not know, to act unambiguously.
4. Socialization: To define the child's feelings as they are, to give him time, to be a bridge between him and the outside world, to be a role model.
5. Expression of emotions: To discover and acquaint with feelings such as pain, pleasure, joy, excitement through various events corresponding to the world of play and children.
6. Self-esteem: Take your child seriously and make him feel "I am important, they don't want anything to happen to me, they love me for who I am."
When these needs are not met, the child is given the message "you and your needs are not important." The child tries to meet his unmet needs in the wrong way. Under normal circumstances, a child who is unable to attract the attention of his parents tries to attract attention with unpopular behavior. There are two main elements in a family's relationship with a child; love and discipline. In the mother's and father's approach, the size and definition of these two factors largely determine the child's behavior.

2. Reliable, tolerant - democratic family relationship
It is important to give unconditional love to the child. Democratic parents respect the child as a human being. They accept that every child has good and bad qualities and do not compare them with their siblings. They allow the child to show his skills at the best level, to realize himself. Instead of strict rules, they bring principles and explain the reasons for these principles. Aims to develop the child's self-discipline. Such an approach ensures the growth of responsible children in the future. Boundaries are taught to the child, and within these boundaries he is given a chance to have a say. The child's opinion is taken into account when making decisions on various issues. There is harmony between husband and wife in a democratic parenting relationship. Children growing up in such an environment grow up to be independent, self-confident, highly respectful of people and the environment, and responsible.
3. A woman asks a teacher, "When should I start raising and educating my child?" There is a secret message in the Chinese teacher's answer: "When will your child be born?" he asks. "Teacher, my child is now 4-5 years old," she said in surprise. Excited, the teacher led the woman to the door: "Then what are you doing here, you're already late!" he says. Many families set aside a serious budget for their children's education from primary school onwards, but the largest investment for children should be made in the first 6 years, as seventy-five percent of personality development is completed in preschool. After these periods, you can ensure that your child lives in better conditions, but your contribution to making him or her healthier, happier, more confident, and more social will be less rewarding each year.

4. Improper parenting is a major cause of negative behavior in children.
Unstable attitude:
The reactions of these parents to the events are not decisive. The rules and boundaries within the family are not clear. Parents have different opinions about raising their children and often criticize each other in front of their children. While one parent says no to the child's wishes, the other says yes, and this inappropriate attitude has a negative effect on the child. The child is often undecided because the boundaries and rules of the home are not clear. This attitude is a major obstacle for the child to distinguish between good and bad and to form their own values. The inconsistent behavior of parents will lead to the growth of children who are unstable, do not know what they want, have self-confidence problems and have difficulty finding the right and wrong. Parents should come to a common denominator to raise a child and talk about it when there are no children.
Extremely protective attitude:
Parents who have this attitude are always worried. Therefore, they fall heavily on their children. They always try to control their children and direct their whole lives. This attitude is a great obstacle for the child to discover himself and to exist as an individual in life. In families with this type of relationship, children will grow up insecure, unable to make decisions on their own, afraid to take risks, having difficulty socializing, and unable to solve problems. Such behavior has a negative effect on the child's separation from the family and the survival of the individual.
Indifferent attitude:
It is a family relationship in which the physiological and psychological needs of children are not met, and there are no restrictions or rules. Parents with this attitude are indifferent to their children. This attitude has a negative effect on the child mentally and physically. Among the most common problems in children left unattended by their families are difficulty speaking and expressing themselves, eating disorders, weakened immunity, severe infectious diseases, general developmental problems, and poor social adaptation. These children may experience antisocial behavior and attempts to harm themselves and the environment.

Authoritarian attitude:
Punishment is often used in families with such attitudes. Punishments are usually given in proportion to the child's mistake. Parents who have this attitude try to bring up their children within the rules. They always have an accusation against the child. The child's feelings, thoughts and personality are not taken into account. The only thing that matters is that the child stays in the patterns determined by the parent. Children growing up in families with this approach often have problems with self-confidence. The child is cowardly and shy; He is worried about everything he does. There are many rules and boundaries in the home. Parents show love to their children as a reward after the behavior they want. The child always feels pressured and it is very difficult to find himself in such an environment and develop as a healthy person.

Extremely tolerant attitude:
Parents who have this relationship plan their lives according to the wishes of the child. There are no rules and boundaries in the family, the child is free to do what he wants. This attitude causes the child to be selfish, disobedient to principles, to have problems in public life, and to be egocentric. When a child reaches the age of social integration, he or she begins to expect the family to be overly tolerant. He sees it as a necessity for everyone to fulfill his wishes and show patience. This will cause him to be left out and unable to find a place in society.

5. You can take into account these tips that I will explain to avoid fights while eating until your child develops eating habits.
1. Respect your child's appetite. Forcing you to eat will only lead to a power struggle over food. In addition, this unpleasant situation at the table can cause your child to associate meal time with anxiety and fear.
2. Pay attention to eating at the same time every day. If you allow your child to eat fruit juice, milk or snacks during the day, his appetite will decrease.
3. Give the child time to discover himself. When he sees that he is hungry, to introduce him to this feeling, say, "After that, when you feel like this, you can say that he is hungry."
4. You may need to try again and again to get your child used to the new food. Little ones are often wary of new foods. They can put small pieces in their mouths and then take them back. Therefore, offer new foods next to their favorite foods.
5. If the child refuses the food you prepared and prepares a new meal instead, you will encourage the child to choose food more.
6. Make food fun. Serve broccoli and other vegetables with her favorite sauce. For a change, you can offer breakfast at lunch, set the table together, chop different colored foods and name them.
7. Prepare food with your child. When shopping, ask your child to help you choose fruits, vegetables and other foods. At home, allow your child to help you wash vegetables, place fruit, and set the table.
8. Don't buy something you don't want your child to eat. Set a good example for him. If you eat a variety of healthy foods, your child will imitate you. If you eat in a harmful way and require your child to eat properly, it can lead to nutritional conflicts.
9. Be creative. You can try mixing foods you don't want to eat into soups, salads or pasta.
10. Do not use electronic devices on the table. Turn off the TV and other electronic devices while eating. This will help your child focus on eating. Don't reward with sweets! Giving sweets to a child as a reward gives the message "sweets are the best food". This can increase your child's sugar cravings. Your child's eating habits will not change overnight. However, small steps you take every day can help support a healthy eating process. As you do this, keep in mind that children's tastes change all the time.

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